Sky Dive Road Map

Wondering how Sky Dives are organized? Is there a method to the madness?! Look no farther! This post demystifies my suggested order of Sky Dives. My intent is to walk readers through the atmospheric sciences from the view point of energy. This energy (in the form of solar radiation) travels from the sun and lands in your back yard.

From there, energy is transported and transformed differently depending on when and where it arrives. The following Sky Dives attempt to walk readers through these processes. This Road Map is not perfect – there will likely be detours – and it may change over time (updated: 2019-08-26).

  • Radiation
  • Surface Energy Balance
    • Land
    • Ocean
  • Planetary Boundary Layer
  • Circulation
    • Global Scale
    • Regional Scale
    • Local Scale
  • Precipitation
    • Warm Season
    • Cold Season
  • More to come!

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