The Best IDEs for your Python Projects

What program do you use for writing code? A simple text editor? Or maybe one of many integrated development environments (IDEs)? There are TONS of options! So many that you can waste at least an entire day (or more) researching the best one. A web search will turn up many websites with lists of the... Continue Reading →

Python for Scientists – Environments for multiple Operating Systems

Do you want a Conda environment that can be shared between different operating systems? This can come in handy if your project does not contain OS-specific Python packages. Examples where sharing an environment across multiple Operating Systems might be handy are workshops or tutorials. Read on to learn a new way to create and share environments!

Python for Scientists – Environments

Why make environments? Why can't I just install everything into the root, or base, python environment and go happily on my way? Because sooner or later this is going to happen.

You find a new feature in the latest release for a library that finally allows you to simplify your code. This is great! You quickly type the command to update the package in your base environment. The installation is going fine until you get a message that installation failed and Conda will try to roll back changes. The roll back seems to work fine and you decide to live without the new feature. Then you try to run your script again and it fails due to a library conflict. What!? My script worked just a few minutes ago! After searching online for an hour for a fix, you decide to delete Miniconda3 and reinstall everything. You try to remember all of the libraries that were used, but other scripts from different projects rely on different libraries. Oh no. You're in for a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day(s).

Python for Scientists – Introduction

I'm going out on a limb here and guessing you're either new to programming, or you're self taught and looking for ways to improve. New graduate students are typically met with the cold reality that they need to quickly learn how to program to keep up with their course work and/or research. They search for... Continue Reading →

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